
We Make It Happen

For You, and Your Family


Our Promise to Parents

As a parent, there is nothing more nerve wracking than having a hurt, sick, or misunderstood child. You want to protect and help them, but it is incredibly frustrating when you don’t have the tools to do so. Seeing countless doctors and specialists, scouring the internet for an answer, and going through test after test can be stressful, both emotionally and financially. You just want a solution for your child, to help them succeed, to support them in becoming the best that they can possibly be, but you are constantly faced with new hurdles, closed doors, and unanswered questions. At Neuro Performance Integration, we are here to help you find a solution, and answer those questions. We will take careful note of your child’s unique goals, and do everything we can to make them happen. This is our promise to you.

We Promise to Listen:

You know your child. You are around them everyday. You notice little things that only a parent could. We believe that those little things matter, and we promise to listen, and to hear you.

We Promise to Include You in the Process:

You are your child’s best advocate. You know what works for your child, and what brings only more frustration. Before we make a decision about your child’s treatment plan, we promise to have an honest conversation with you. We will answer any questions you may have, and together, we will decide what is the right next step for your child.

We Promise to Care:

Every child is unique, and special. They each have different needs, perspectives, and interests. At Neuro Performance Integration, we believe that the best way to help your child, is by getting to know them, and learning about not only their symptoms, but them as people. Your child matters to us, and we promise to be just as invested in them as you are.

We Promise to Put your Child First:

Above all else, we want your child to succeed, and get the treatment that they deserve. That means we promise to be transparent and honest about the limitations of our currently offered treatment options, and if at any point in the process we believe that there is a treatment or practitioner better suited to help your child we promise to be upfront and let you know. We will put your child and their care first.

Achieve your dreams with Neuro Performance Integration! We believe that no matter what your goal is, or how big, we can make it happen.
At Neuro Performance Integration, we believe you can become anything. You have limitless opportunities ahead of you, and we will help you achieve your goals.
With Neuro Performance Integration, there are no goals too big, or too small. No matter what you want to accomplish, we want to help you get there.


“A mother’s intuition is almost never wrong”

-Dr. Jacob Shores, DC



What We Treat

Set Your Child Up for Success with Neuro Performance Integration

Before you are even born, your brain and body begin to integrate, communicate, and prioritize. You begin to make decisions about what parts of your development should be prioritized, and which aspects of your growth can be postponed until a later time. The problem is, sometimes your brain or body may prioritize parts of your development in a way that hurts future aspects of your life. For example, your brain may prioritize movement and so it quickly develops the necessary components of crawling, while neglecting to develop the necessary components of speech.

When your brain creates these hierarchies, it can have long term impacts on your lifestyle, from your ability to move your body, to your ability to control emotions and impulses. Flaws in these hierarchies usually are associated with one of two issues, improper prioritization, or an interruption in your neurological integration. An improper prioritization may result in a variety of developmental difficulties, while an interruption in your neurological integration often results in movement and body awareness challenges.

Common symptoms and disorders associated with a neurological interruption:

  • Inability to latch

  • Post concussion disorders

  • Difficulty sucking or swallowing while feeding

  • Postural abnormalities

  • Stuttering

  • Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS)

  • Cerebral palsy

  • Difficulty with spatial awareness

  • Poor motor skills

Common symptoms and disorders associated with improper prioritization:

  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD & ADHD)

  • Visual tracking issues

  • Sensory Processing Disorders

  • Autism Spectrum Disorders

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Tics

  • Difficulty with impulse control or self regulation

  • Learning disorders

  • Social Anxiety

  • Behavior or conduct challenges

At Neuro Performance Integration, we identify the prioritizations and communication systems between your child’s brain and body, and assist the underdeveloped or interrupted components to set your child up for success.



How the Process Works

At Neuro Performance Integration, we understand that what works for one child, may not work for every child. That is why our pediatric evaluation process helps us to learn about your child’s specific needs and personality. We then, create a customized treatment method that is as unique as your child.

The first step is a full pediatric evaluation to uncover your child's neurological hierarchy, and any interruptions in their nervous system.

Step 1: Evaluation

Understanding your child

In order to best treat your child, we need to understand them. During the pediatric evaluation process, we identify the neurological hierarchy structure that your child has developed, and evaluate their neurological “wiring”.

The next step is for our practitioners at Neuro Performance Integration to analyze the result of your evaluation and identify any flaws in your child prioritization, or miswirings in their neurological system.

Step 2: Analysis

Identifying where we can help

Once we have a good grasp on who your child is, and how they are wired, we can begin to determine what areas may need extra attention and support. During this process, we uncover any improper prioritization or neurological interruptions that might be causing their symptoms.

The final step in our pediatric process is to work with the parent to come up with a custom treatment plan that combines neurological, manual, physical, occupational, vestibular, sensory-integration, ozone, and chiropractic therapy treatment techniq…

Step 3: Treatment

Meeting your child where they’re at

Finally, we combine your child’s specific needs, with their current way of thinking and operating to find a treatment method that works for them, and their lifestyle. We create a customized treatment plan to help your child become the best they can be. We make it happen.


Still have Questions?

We believe that patients are part of the process, and we are more than happy to answer any questions that you might have openly and honestly.


Our Office

1500 Kearns Blvd. Suite E125
Park City, UT, 84060
United States