Neuro-Orthopedic Interventions

Neuro Performance Integration’s Neuro-Orthopedic Interventions integrates manual therapy and chiropractic adjustments to treat not just the symptom, but the root cause of the patient's problems. The combination of manual adjustments and soft tissue manipulation realigns the skeletal system, re-charges the muscle tissue to maintain that alignment, and re-trains the neurons to prevent misalignment in the future. Neuro-Orthopedic Intervention is recommended for the following patients:

  • Athletes or those with active lifestyles

  • Patients suffering from chronic pain

  • Acute injury recovery or prevention

  • Patients with undiagnosed muscle or skeletal injuries

  • Those looking to decrease scar tissue build up

  • Patients with inflammation or arthritis

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What is a Neuro-Orthopedic Intervention?

The way that our bodies move, act, and play is governed by a hierarchy. Our muscular-skeletal system first receives a signal from our brain that tells our bodies muscles to move. Our muscles then respond by contracting, and pulling on our tendons. These tendons then pull on our skeleton and cause our bones to move. When all of these systems are working properly and communicating as a team, our bodies are able to walk, or run, or jump, or whatever it is that we want our bodies to do! When one of these systems isn’t communicating properly, however, when one of these systems is out of alignment, injured, or misfiring, it can dramatically limit our ability to complete the tasks we want to complete. Our Neuro-Orthopedic Interventions help re-integrate the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system, to allow our patients to recover faster, prevent injury, and improve performance.

Your Foundation: The Skeletal System

Our bodies have 206 bones. Each of these serve a different specific purpose, but their main goal is to provide a secure framework for our bodies. When one of these bones is out of alignment, it can cause pain throughout the whole system. Our skeletal system can get out of alignment from acute injuries, or daily wear and tear, but even the slightest misalignment can cause major pain, and if not adjusted properly, will continue to impede athletic performance, prevent healing, and keep you living in pain.

Your skeletal system is the foundation of your body. At Neuro Performance Integration, we believe that a good foundation is key to a good outcome. That is why one of the first things our Neuro-Orthopedic Interventions addresses is the skeletal system. Using chiropractic adjustments techniques such as manual adjustments, and crack-free drop table adjustments, our team is able to help ensure that your skeletal system is properly aligned to support the rest of your body.

Your Mechanics: The Muscular System and Soft Tissue 

After we have established that your foundation is solid, your skeletal system is appropriately aligned, we then begin to look at your muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fibrous tissue. For any given joint, there can be many muscles, tendons, and ligaments, as well as fibrous tissue involved in its motion and stabilization. By ensuring that the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and fibrous tissue that surrounds these joints is healthy, limber, and strong, we are able to minimize risk of injury, increase mobility and range of motion, and decrease joint pain.

Using manual and physical therapy techniques, including soft tissue manipulation, trigger point therapy, and myofascial release, Neuro Performance Integration is able to increase range of motion, decrease scar tissue build up, release lactic acid, increase circulation, reduce muscle tension, and balance the body’s biomechanical function. This allows your muscles to function properly, so that they can work in conjunction with your skeletal and nervous system to move your body, pain free.

Your Communication Network: The Nervous System

Before your muscles and skeletal system are able to move your body, they must first get a signal from your brain to do so. Think of your nervous system like a series of electrical wires. Your brain is the switch, and the nerves are the wires. If you want to turn a light on, first, you flip the switch. The switch then sends a signal that travels through the wires, to the light that turns on the lights. The same thing happens in your body. Your brain sends a signal that travels through your nerves to tell your muscles to contract or release. But think about what happens if the wires accidentally gets cut, or the wires get crossed? Now, instead of turning the light on when you flip the switch, nothing happens, or worse yet, it starts a fire.

Neuro Performance Integration’s Neuro-Orthopedic Interventions ensure that all your wiring is correct, so that when you flip the switch, there is nothing standing in the way of you making that move.

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