
We Make It Happen



What is Neuro Performance Integration?

Your brain is the driving force of your body. It controls everything that you do, from your breathing, to your thoughts, to your movement. At Neuro Performance Integration we believe that your brain should drive your treatment as well.

By integrating neurological techniques into everything that we do, we are able to get to the core of your problems and treat the root cause, rather than just the symptoms. This allows us to solve even the trickiest of problems.

Our neurologically focused treatment style allows us to treat the entire patient while keeping surgery, and prescription medication as a last resort. At Neuro Performance Integration, We Make it Happen.

Why Neuro Performance Integration?

We believe in listening to our patients and working with them to find solutions. No matter how challenging your problem is, we find a way forward. We make it happen.  

We are redesigning medicine to treat the root causes of your condition, not just the symptoms. We believe that neither your body nor your brain should be a limiting factor, and our mission is to find and overcome any hurdles that stand between you and your ideal self.


We Believe in Redefining Medicine.

At Neuro Performance Integration, we believe that patients are part of the process. Because we believe this, we look at each patient as an individual, rather than just a sum of their symptoms. There is no “One-Size Fits All” at Neuro Performance Integration. Our patients are unique, and we believe that their treatments should be too. We emphasize patient focused medicine that gets to the root cause of your symptoms, and we seek out long term solutions that fit with your lifestyle and your goals. Our innovative approach to medicine emphasizes the unique anatomy, physiology, and history of each of our patients, to create customizable treatment options that provide long term results.

Redefining Medical Evaluations with the Flow 5 Matrix

Our bodies are built in overlapping and integrated systems centrally controlled by our brains. When there is a problem with these systems’ foundations or the way that they integrate and communicate with one another, our brains and bodies do not operate to their full potential. The problem is, many of these integration and communication errors get missed in the diagnostic process, resulting in misdiagnoses, unnecessary medication, and patient frustration.

Pioneered by Dr. Jacob Shores, the Flow 5 Matrix is Neuro Performance Integration’s proprietary comprehensive evaluation method that doesn’t miss a step. Using a series of cutting edge diagnostic tools, the Flow 5 Matrix thoroughly evaluates our patients neurological, skeletal, and muscular systems and integrates that with their medical history to get a clear picture of our patients, not just their symptoms.


Redefining Medical Treatments with Neuro Orthopedic Interventions

Once we have a clear idea of how our patients skeletal, muscular, and nervous system are structured and integrated, we begin treatment to bridge any gaps in that foundation. Our Neuro Orthopedic Interventions are designed to build the connection between our patients brain, muscles, and bones to provide comprehensive, long lasting treatment. This integrative approach to medicine allows us to treat a wide variety of conditions without surgery or prescription medication. Neuro Performance Integration commonly treats the following symptoms and conditions:


Skeletal System

  • Spinal misalignments

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Dislocations

  • Temporomandibular Joint pain (TMJ)

  • Joint pain

  • Post surgical/injury scar tissue build up

  • Back Pain

  • Scoliosis

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Muscular System

  • Chronic Pain

  • Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Knee injury recovery (Ligament tears or sprains)

  • Chronic Inflammation

  • Injury recovery/prevention

  • Lactic Acid build up and overuse injuries

  • Muscle strains

  • Hyperextension injuries

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Neurological System

  • Cognitive and behavioral issues

  • Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS)

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

  • Learning difficulties

  • Balance disorders

  • Vertigo

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

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For more information regarding the treatment offerings of Neuro Performance Integration, to ask about your specific condition, or for additional information, contact us! We are happy to answer any questions that you have!

Ozone Therapy

Our Ozone Therapy options combine the time-tested treatment methods of eastern medicine with the modern, cutting-edge techniques of western medicine to deliver fast, effective, and lasting results to our patients.


Neuro Performance Integration uses cutting edge technology to turn medical grade oxygen gas into Ozone gas. Since it is naturally unstable, Ozone breaks down in the body and oxygenates tissue. Ozone is also an antimicrobial substance and regulates the immune cells that cause the sensation of pain as well as inflammation, making Ozone a non-tissue damaging alternative to Cortisone.


Why use ozone?

  •   Activates systems that protect the brain. [1]

  • Induces a mild activation of the immune system and enhances the release of growth factors (which is incredibly helpful during growth spurts). [1]

  • Improves blood circulation and oxygen delivery as well as help build new blood vessels. [1,2]

  • Reduces inflammation. [1,2]

  • Naturally increases levels of antioxidants. [1,2]

  • Increases DNA repair activity. [1]

  • Enhances general metabolism by improving oxygen delivery. [1]

  • Helps your body recognize, repair, and remove damaged proteins. [1]

  • Procures a surprising wellness in most patients, likely via the stimulation of the neuroendocrine system. [1]

  • Does not procure acute or late side effects. [1]


Ozone is safe for all ages and indicated for:

  • Acute pain

  • Chronic joint pain

  • Wound healing (including post-operative)

  • Allergy and sinus irritation

How long does Ozone Last?

Injected ozone is active in the body for three to seven days, but effects of ozone treatments can be permanent.

What Ozone Therapy Treatments are Offered?

Neuro Performance Integration offers the following Ozone Therapy Treatment options:

  • Injection Therapy

  • Insufflation Therapy

  • Limb-bagging Therapy

  • Ozonized Water

  • Nebulization Therapy


  • Exposure of your eyes and lungs to ozone is potentially harmful.

These tissues cannot repair themselves like others. This is why we use the utmost caution while performing ozone therapy to ensure everyone involved is as safe as possible at all times!

  • There are some case reports of the use of ozone resulting in air embolism and blood born infections.

This risk only occurs when performing major autohemotherapy (MAH). We do not perform this service in our office. Instead we offer supplies for insufflation which is proven to be 95% as effective as MAH.


 1. Sagai M, Bocci V. Mechanisms of Action Involved in Ozone Therapy: Is healing induced via a mild oxidative stress? Med Gas Res. 2011 Dec 20;1:29. doi: 10.1186/2045-9912-1-29. PMID: 22185664; PMCID: PMC3298518.

2.Latini E, Curci ER, Massimiani A, et al. Ultrasonography for oxygen-ozone therapy in musculoskeletal diseases. Med Gas Res. 2019;9(1):18-23. doi:10.4103/2045-9912.254638

Click on the link below to see Our research!

Ozone Therapy Insufflation and Injections.png

Ask if Ozone Therapy is Right for you!

TMJ Therapy  

TMJ Disorders Are on the Rise and Under Treated

Recently at Neuro Performance Integration, we’ve seen an influx of patients with temporomandibular joint disorders (aka, TMJ or TMD disorders). They come in suffering from intense jaw and facial pain that may spread into the neck and shoulders. Their jaw might click or lock when they open or close their mouth. Many TMJ patients experience intense headaches, toothaches, and even dizziness.

Research suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased the incidence of TMJ symptoms by causing stress and anxiety - both risk factors for TMJ disorders. Other risk factors include:

- Dental Problems and teeth grinding

- Physical trauma

- Nicotine use

- ADD/ADHD and medications used to manage it

- Autism spectrum disorders

Of course, many people with dental problems, trauma, ect. Never develop a TMJ disorder. The root issue is often an undiagnosed neurological dysfunction that interferes with proper biomechanics. The TMJ connects the jawbone to the skull and determines how the teeth line up. If the muscles around the TMJ become too tense, the joint cannot move and align properly.

By the time TMJ patients visit NPI, most have tried several treatments. Mouthguards, retainers, and bite plates may prevent tooth damage but rarely address the underlying issue. Cortisone injections temporarily relieve discomfort and pain but must be used sparingly to avoid damage to the cartilage, bone, and ligaments that form the joint. In the extreme cases, patients opt for surgery.

So What are the Alternatives?

At NPI, we take the following approach.

  1. Patient History. We talk through the key events in your health history. Often, TMJ disorders begin with a specific event, like a car accident, fall, or sports injury.

  2. Neurological Assessment. We evaluate how the system that controls muscles around the TMJ is performing. Often, one area is overworked and comparatively tense. 

  3. Treatment Plan. We combine soft tissue mobilization, chiropractic manipulation, and therapeutic exercises to restore proper biomechanics to the TMJ.

Within 8 to 12 weeks, our patients usually notice a significant reduction in pain and discomfort. However, new stressors, trauma, and substance use can cause TMJ symptoms to reemerge. Patients with chronic TMJ may need a refresher every once in a while.

Bottom line: If you’re suffering from TMJ, we encourage you to book an evaluation. We’ll get to the root cause of your pain and find a lasting solution.  

Contact Us

1500 Kearns Blvd. Suite E125
Park City, UT, 84060
United States

Phone: (435) 640-0429

Email: admin@npipc.com


Can’t Find Us?

Our office is located on the backside of the building behind Tupelo. There are doors located at the arrow that lead into the building. After entering the back doors NPI will be on the left down a small hallway right before Edge Hair Salon.